Wednesday 23 May 2007

Broccoli and Boursin Soup

Serves 3-4


1 head broccoli
1 small onion
1 pint of veg (or chicken for non-veggies) stock made fresh or from a cube
1 clove garlic
2 pats of boursin / about 2 level tbsp
1 tbsp butter
1tbsp olive oil
s&p to taste

1) Cut the florets off the broccoli and put to one side, finely chop all of the stalks, dice the onion and crush the garlic

2) Make up stock / warm through

3) In a large pan heat the butter and olive oil, add the onion and fry for 4 mins until starting to soften, add the garlic and diced stalks, mix well and cook for 5 mins covered

4) Add the stock and cook for about 12 mins until stalks softened, then add the florets and cook for 5 mins more

5) Remove from heat and either blitz with a hand blender or transfer to a food processor and whizz until smooth, season to taste and stir in the boursin, allow to melt then mix, serve immediately!

Is great for using broccoli that is slightly past its best! Can be done with frozen broccoli just allow to thaw and add extra broccoli as you need the stalky bits! Is yummy and a lovely green colour! Have made this many times and just realised never posted it!

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